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 North East Ohio Right to Life

Our Mission

The Main Issues

Our Goal

Our Strategies

The United States of America was founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness based on Christian principles with freedom of religion and equality for all.  The Declaration of Independence proclaims our rights and principles, and the Constitution tells us how to protect them for “all posterity”, which means born and unborn! Despite these high ideals, we have of history of injustice from the past which includes slavery, civil discrimination and more.  We’ve witnessed other horrors of injustices around the world, including the holocaust in Germany and genocide in Africa.  We’ve righted a lot of these wrongs over the years, and are now once again faced with Supreme Court rulings and laws that are sadly unjust.  In particular, the Supreme Court decided with the decision of Roe v Wade and other rulings later that our unborn Americans have no rights, and that their mothers have the right to terminate their lives.   Since 1973, many courageous Americans have been advocating tirelessly to right thid worn and to protect innocent human life beginning at the moment of conception.  At the same time, they have advocated to protect ALL life through natural death.

Now that the national health care bill has passed, we have tremendous concerns.  Dr. Zeke Emmanuel, an Obama appointee for health care research, has stated that national health care dollars will be rationed to those in the middle of life, and those near the end of life would receive less benefits—essentially saying that unproductive members of society are a burden and healthcare dollars can be better spent elsewhere. Right to Life of Northeast Ohio pledges to continue building a culture of life where human life is not judged on a “cost basis analysis of living”, but instead is treated as the miracle that God intended.
Right to Life of Northeast Ohio works as a leader with pro-life groups from churches and organizations throughout northeast Ohio and offers unifying programs as part of the strategies named above to one day bring and end to the horror of legal abortion, and to continue to protect all life through natural death.