Protecting & Defending All Human Life!

Welcome to our new website. We hope you take a look around. Most everything we do will show up here on our web portal as we continue to develop the maximum opportunities to connect with you, our constituent public, and keep you informed. For many years Right to Life chapters depended on a mailing list to communicate to the community at large. However, today, you see us utilizing technologies, such as the Internet and e-mail lists to activate volunteers in the greater Stark County area.

You will also discover that we partner with other community groups to bring events and speakers that will interest you. If you surf this site, you will see we are active and have many community events. Please look around and see what we are doing. Join us!

Here’s what we do…

Our Past

Over the years, we have been a presence in Stark County. We were first known as Canton Area Right to Life and Massillon Right to Life. These two organizations merged on March 18, 2002, for the sake of expedient flow of information and growth. We then became known as Stark County Right to Life, Inc. A Constitution and Bylaws were added by November of the same year.

Since this time, many hours have been spent in accomplishing the following traditional activities in Right to Life chapters:

Our Present

We are an Affiliate Chapter of Ohio Right to Life, which also affiliates us with the National Right to Life. As an affiliate, we are also included in ORTL’s Section 4. As a nonprofit advocacy group, we fund our organization from several options. The first option being a membership into the chapter, by way of a fee. However, because we are a 501c4, we are not able to advise our members to deduct their fees from their taxes. We are currently in the process of filing to become a 501c3. Watch the website for more information and updates. Donations and membership fees are used for some of the following

Mission Statement

We, as defenders of life, establish Right to Life of Stark County Inc. as an interdenominational organization dedicated to protecting every person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We will strive daily through prayer, service, time, and energy to promote to people of every race, gender, and creed, the fundamental right to life. Under the guidance of our Creator we are called to be People of Life!


“Unborn babies feel pain”