Stark County Right to Life Exist to
Influence, Educate, Equip, Advocate, Legislate, Mobilize, Recruit & Unify to
Mission Statement
We, as defenders of life, establish Right to Life of Stark County Inc. as an interdenominational organization dedicated to protecting every person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We will strive daily through prayer, service, time, and energy to promote to people of every race, gender, and creed, the fundamental right to life. Under the guidance of our Creator we are called to be People of Life!
What We Have Done
Over the years, we have been a presence in Stark County. We were first known as Canton Area Right to Life and Massillon Right to Life. These two organizations merged on March 18, 2002, for the sake of expedient flow of information and growth. We then became known as Stark County Right to Life, Inc.
Since this time, many hours have been spent in accomplishing the following traditional activities in Right to Life chapters:
Providing an active speakers bureau
Submission of a newsletter
Full-page signature ads in select local newspapers
Rental of billboard space with pro-life messages
Annual events, such as underwriting bus rentals for the March for Life in Washington D.C. and Life Chain in October.
Sarta bus campaign, “Unplanned, confidential help”
Our Operations
We are an independent Affiliate of Chapter of Ohio Right to Life and National Right to Life. We are a volunteer board and as a nonprofit advocacy group, we fund our organization through donations and membership into the chapter, by way of a fee. However, because we are a 501c4 we are not able to advise our members on tax deductions of donations and/or fees.
Here are some of our initiatives
Secure funds and locations for SAFE HAVEN BABY BOXES in Stark County (see upcoming events)
RTL of Stark County Art and Essay Contest
Annual Walk for the Unborn – co sponsored with 40 Days for Life Canton
Stark County Fair Booth
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children – co sponsored with 40 Days for Life Canton
Annual Celebrate Life Dinner
Bus rental for the Ohio March for Life in Columbus, Ohio
501c3 – Stark County for Life Charity​